Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Arabella's Dilemma - Part I

Arabella was a tabby cat who lived in the big forest. She was little and she was grey, and she had a big streak of white on her tail. All the other kittens laughed at Arabella and said her white tail made her look silly, but Arabella didn't let the other kittens get to her. Arabella was proud of her tail and thought she would grow into it -- or so her mother told her. Arabella's mother told her many things. Her mother told her -- always clean your fur after sipping milk in the morning. And Arabella did. Her mother told her -- purr quietly when other kittens are nearby. And Arabella did. Her mother told - always look both ways before crossing the street, and never cross the street when you hear a loud GROOM!!!. And that is where Arabella got into a spot of trouble almost as big as the spot on her tail.

You see, Arabella wasn’t the only kitten in the forest...

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